sabato 23 aprile 2011

Perfettamente/Stare bene -> As right as rain


Sophie aveva atteso con impazienza l'arrivo del suo bambino per mesi. Aveva preparato tutto, dalla cameretta alla sua borsa dell'ospedale. Quando il giorno finalmente arrivò, diede alla luce una bellissima bambina, che chiamò Lily. Tuttavia, la gioia di Sophie fu di breve durata, poiché presto si ammalò.

I medici la tennero in ospedale per diversi giorni, cercando di determinare la causa della sua malattia. Sophie era preoccupata per la sua bambina, che doveva rimanere in nursery mentre lei veniva curata. Sentiva molto la mancanza della sua piccola e le era difficile riposare e guarire senza di lei.

Un giorno, il dottore di Sophie venne a trovarla e le disse: "Sarai perfettamente guarita non appena tornerai a casa tua con la tua bambina".

Sophie prese quelle parole a cuore e si concentrò su di sé per rimettersi in salute e poter portare Lily a casa. Era determinata ad essere la migliore madre possibile e niente avrebbe potuto fermarla.

Finalmente, dopo ciò che sembrava un'eternità, Sophie fu dimessa dall'ospedale e poté portare Lily a casa. Appena entrarono dalla porta, Sophie sentì come se le fosse stato tolto un peso dalle spalle. Era a casa e con la sua bambina.

La malattia di Sophie cominciò lentamente a svanire e si sentì di nuovo se stessa. Trascorreva le sue giornate prendendosi cura di Lily e guardandola crescere. Si rese conto che essere madre era il lavoro più importante che avrebbe mai avuto e fu grata per ogni momento trascorso con la sua piccola.

Anni dopo, Sophie avrebbe rivissuto quel periodo in ospedale e si sarebbe ricordata delle parole del medico. Sapeva che finché avesse avuto la sua bambina al suo fianco, avrebbe potuto superare qualsiasi difficoltà. E così fece, con grazia e forza, perché questo è ciò che fanno le madri.


Sophie had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her baby for months. She had prepared everything, from the nursery to her hospital bag. When the day finally came, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, whom she named Lily. However, Sophie's joy was short-lived as she soon fell ill.

The doctors kept her in the hospital for several days, trying to determine the cause of her illness. Sophie was worried about her baby, who had to stay in the nursery while she was being treated. She missed her little one terribly, and it was difficult for her to rest and recover without her.

One day, Sophie's doctor came in to see her and said, "You'll be as right as rain as soon as you are back in your own home with your baby."

Sophie took those words to heart and focused on getting better so she could take Lily home. She was determined to be the best mother she could be, and nothing was going to stand in her way.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sophie was discharged from the hospital and was able to take Lily home. As soon as they walked through the door, Sophie felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was home, and she was with her baby.

Sophie's illness slowly began to fade away, and she felt like herself again. She spent her days caring for Lily and watching her grow. She realized that being a mother was the most important job she could ever have, and she was grateful for every moment she spent with her little girl.

Years later, Sophie would look back on that time in the hospital and remember the doctor's words. She knew that as long as she had her baby by her side, she could weather any storm. And she did, with grace and strength, because that's what mothers do.


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