Come si dice in inglese - È troppo tardi
È troppo tardi -> That ship has sailed
Esempio: I was thinking about going to the concert but that ship has sailed. It’s sold out.
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Come si dice in inglese - È troppo tardi
È troppo tardi -> That ship has sailed
Esempio: I was thinking about going to the concert but that ship has sailed. It’s sold out.
Come si dice in inglese - Sommerso di lavoro
Sommerso di lavoro -> Snowed under
Esempio: I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.
Come si dice in inglese - Mettiti in riga o vattene
Mettiti in riga o vattene -> Shape up or ship out
Esempio: Demands that he shape up or ship out were surfacing on everyday meetings.
Come si dice in inglese - Correre come il vento
Correre come il vento -> Run like the wind
Esempio: Yeah, run like the wind, partner, and save yourself!